As most non-fiction authors know, there are many citation styles available. Many of them are discipline specific (e.g., Modern Language Association for the humanities, American Psychological Association for the social sciences, etc.), and they vary in many different...
Primary research involves obtaining first-hand information about a phenomenon in the real world. This can produce either quantitative or qualitative data, and the means whereby it can be conducted are interviews, experiments, surveys, and ethnographic research. Almost...
The English language has so many fun aspects, whether it’s sorting out homonyms (acts or ax) or figuring out which synonym is most appropriate (good or righteous). Even native English speakers can have difficulties with some nuances, so don’t feel too bad if you mix...
When to use “Lay” versus “Lie”: difference between lay and lie Lay means “to place something down.” It is something you do to something else. It is a transitive verb. Incorrect: Lie the book on the seat. Correct: Lay the book on the...
It’s such a simple little question: How are you? But I’ve heard from people who feel a twinge of apprehension or even full-blown frustration every time they have to decide whether to say they’re good or they’re well. “I’m good” is what...