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Let us show you what we can do. Let one of our editors PERFECT your writing – for free! We are so confident in our professional editors that we encourage you to TRY BEFORE YOU BUY. You can receive a personal critique along with an edited sample of your writing – TODAY!
There is no cost and no obligation.
We are confident that you too will choose after you see for yourself our skills!
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What You Get
Your free sample will include a:
Thorough editing of your writing in Microsoft Track Changes
Personal critique from your editor
Suggested level of editing
Firm price quote with no hidden fees, and
Guaranteed delivery deadline
If you would like to speak to someone personally before submitting your work, click here to contact us. We would be happy to receive your chat, e-mail, phone call or fax. We are available 24/7.
Editing Levels
How It Works
Just send us about 20 pages (5000 words) from your document for a free editing sample. We’ll assign your writing to a qualified editor who is trained in the writing
Within 24 hours, you will get back a thorough edit and a personalized critique of your writing.
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Client Testimonials
David is very talented, gracious and yet firm in his critique and suggestions. He obviously took a great deal of time and care with my manuscript. Thank you!
You did many improvements to my document. PLUS, you suggested that I add more references. This was great advice - I would rather do this now, rather than wait until it is published and wish I would have done it....
Thanks for all the hard work with my book. You have been so helpful! I like the changes and am satisfied with them! You will be mentioned in my book for sure!
How It Works
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