
First Time Client Discount
We would love to have you as a client! First time clients are offered a 20% discount code (only available on this page). Coupon Code: NEW20 (enter this code on the order form) Please write down the coupon code. It is only available on this page. Then keep browsing our...
How to Write an Author’s Bio
Although you’re a good writer and generally you know your way around words, it is surprisingly difficult to write a good bio for your work. Of course, there are many ways to go about it and you will find yourself writing the bio over and over again to get the right...
How to Edit Your Student Application
One of the most important phases in your life is the time when you’re applying to go to university or college. There are endless forms to fill in, references to be obtained and then, of course, the dreaded personal essay that you have to write. The personal essay is a...
What is Track Changes? An Editor’s Best Friend
Understanding the usefulness of Microsoft Word Track Changes can be helpful wherever you have to share a document with other people and want to be able to see the changes they have made. Book-Editing-Services use this tool because it enhances the editing service...
When to use Colon
Although colons are seldom used, they are often used incorrectly. They are also often used interchangeably with the semi-colon. It is therefore important to have some guidelines as to when and how to use a colon. There is often confusion as to when to use a colon....
Using Ellipses
People often ask how to use ellipses, those little dot-dot-dots you often see sometimes at the ends of sentences. When is it appropriate to use '...' in writing? Is it something featured only in informal writing or can it be used in academic or otherformal writing?...

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